Press Releases
BPUB Announces Rotating Outages
BROWNSVILLE, Texas – The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has instructed the Brownsville Public Utilities Board along with the other electric utilities across Texas to conduct rotating outages in order to curtail load. BPUB was asked to shed load to meet a generation shortfall related to the current extreme cold weather.
The appeal results in short-term load curtailments, or rotating outages, for various customers across the ERCOT region including Brownsville. The rotating outages are necessary to keep the electric systems operating throughout the state.
With the rotating outages, customers will experience an electric outage for approximately 30 minutes. The rotating outages will continue until ERCOT instructs BPUB to discontinue.
In addition, BPUB is asking consumers to curtail electric usage. Customers are encouraged to turn down their thermostats by a few degrees and avoid using any non-essential appliances or lighting during this time.
BPUB recommends the following to conserve electricity:
- Turn down thermostats to 68-degrees.
- Close shades and blinds to reduce the amount of heat lost through windows.
- Turn off and unplug non-essential lights and appliances.
- Avoid using large appliances (i.e., ovens, washing machines, etc.).
- Wear warm, comfortable clothing
BPUB will keep providing information throughout the emergency. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation.