Stage 2 Water Shortage Alert
Water Use Restrictions:
All restrictions from Stage 1 remain in effect unless added to or replaced by Stage 2 rules.
Vehicle washing is allowed twice weekly between midnight through 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. through midnight on the designated landscape watering days.
Non-essential watering is prohibited, such as washing buildings, using water for dust control, or allowing water to run into the streets.
Lawn watering by a sprinkler system is restricted to two days a week based on the last digit of the service address and from midnight through 7:00 a.m. and from 7:00 p.m. through midnight. This includes pumping water from the resacas. Check your watering day schedule.
Last # of Service Address Watering Days 0 or 1 Monday, Saturday 2 or 3 Tuesday, Saturday 4 or 5 Wednesday, Saturday 6 or 7 Thursday, Sunday 8 or 9 Friday, Sunday -
Variances must be acquired from the BPUB office to water new landscapes outside the landscape irrigation schedule for four weeks.
For a detailed view of water restrictions under Stage 2, review the Drought Contingency Plan.
Active due to levels of the United States' water stored in the Amistad and Falcon International Reservoirs being at 25% or 834,600 acre-feet, as reported by the TCEQ Rio Grande Watermaster.
The goal for Stage 2 is a 5% reduction in average daily water demands and a 10% reduction in maximum daily water demands on the Brownsville PUB system.