Service Address: Location where service is provided.
Consumption History section is located on page 3 of the BPUB electric bill. The section includes the electricity used by the customer so that they may compare their historical consumption and make informed choice about their usage. The section also includes a bar graph that contains the history of the last 12 months and the month currently being billed.
Your total Electrical charges divided by the kWh consumption for the current month.
Energy Consumption Charge: Under every electric rate schedule, the customer pays a Fuel and Purchased Energy Charge (F&PEC) related to power costs. The F&PEC is computed to recover the actual cost of fuel used for electric generation and the cost of purchasing power. A customer's total fuel charge is calculated by multiplying the fuel unit charge (F&PEC) by the total kilowatt-hours (kWh) on the bill.
Energy Consumption Charge is based on the energy charges and the kwh used. This may change over time based on the amount of energy used during the billing cycle.
Energy Consumption Charge is based on the energy charges and the kwh used. This may change over time based on the amount of energy used during the billing cycle.
The city sales tax.
The sum of your itemized charges.
Estimated Reading: Yes or No. Only estimated when BPUB meter readers are unable to read meter.
Information about your meter includes the serial number. The previous read, current read and consumption based on the reading.