Stage 1 Voluntary Water Conservation

Voluntary Water Use Restrictions:

  • Irrigate landscaped areas only from midnight-7 a.m. or 7 p.m.-midnight twice per week.

  • Irrigate landscaped areas with a hand-held garden hose, soaker hose, hand-held bucket or water can, hose-end sprinkler, irrigation system,computer-controlled irrigation system or drip irrigation system to reduce waste.

  • Reduce or discontinue water use for non-essential purposes such as washing paved areas or other hard-surfaced areas except to alleviate public safety and/or health hazards.


Stage 1 Water Conservation Alert is active every May 1 as part of BPUB's Drought Contingency Plan or when levels of the United States water stored in the Amistad and Falcon International Reservoirs is 51% or 1.66 million acre-feet.


Achieve a voluntary reduction in water use on the Brownsville PUB system.