What is Lead and How Does it Enter Water?

Lead is a toxic heavy metal that can cause serious health issues. It typically enters drinking water through the corrosion of plumbing materials containing lead, such as lead pipes, faucets, and fixtures. Although lead is rarely found in source water, it can come from older paint, contaminated soil, or household products. Since lead in water is tasteless, colorless, and odorless, it can only be detected through laboratory analysis. The Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB) is committed to replacing any lead service lines found during our inventory with non-lead materials to ensure safe and reliable drinking water for all residents.

Health Effects of Lead

Lead exposure in drinking water poses significant health risks across all age groups.

  • Infants and Children: Lead can decrease IQ and attention span and contribute to learning and behavioral problems. Children of women exposed to lead during pregnancy are at higher risk for these issues.
  • Adults: Lead exposure can increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and kidney or nervous system problems.

If you are concerned about lead exposure, contact your local health department or healthcare provider to learn how to get a blood test for lead levels.

Best Practices to Reduce Lead in Drinking Water

  • Flush Your Water: Run water for a few minutes after periods of inactivity to clear out lead.
  • Clean Aerators: Regularly clean faucet screens to remove trapped sediment and lead particles.
  • Check Plumbing Materials: Investigate and replace any plumbing components containing lead.
  • Use Cold Water: Always use cold water for drinking, cooking, and baby formula preparation.
  • Avoid Boiling Water: Boiling does not remove lead from water.
  • Filter Your Water: Use an ANSI-certified filter designed to remove lead.

These practices help minimize lead exposure and ensure safer drinking water.


BPUB provides a source of drinking water that is routinely tested to verify its safety. Additionally, BPUB water 95% of BPUb's system is lead-free with 5% Unknown.


The water service line consists of a portion owned by the customer and a portion owned by BPUB.


Homes may contain lead piping and lead solder, affecting drinking water quality.


Drinking water quality may also be affected at the point of use if your plumbing fixtures and faucets contain lead.


Other potential lead sources in a home include lead-based paint, dust, soil, jewelry, and some plastics.

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