BPUB administers local, state and federal regulations to control pollutants discharged from Commercial and Industrial Users (IUs), which may pass through or interfere with the utility’s Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). The pretreatment program administers and enforces the regulations to:
- Protect BPUB’s wastewater collection systems, treatment plants and workers.
- Allow the beneficial reuse of bio-solids
- Allow the reclamation of treated effluent for irrigation or other uses.
- Maintain water quality in the Rio Grande and San Martin Lake.
Commercial & Industrial Requirements:
- Complete an Industrial Waste Survey and submit the survey to the Pretreatment Department at least 90 days before connecting to BPUB’s collection system.
- Submit plumbing plans with the submission.
- The Pretreatment Department will evaluate the information and determine if applicable pretreatment regulations apply to the business.
- Should the industry practices fall under applicable State or Federal environmental regulations, the Pretreatment Department will require the submittal of an Industrial Permit Application 90 days before processing wastewater discharge.
If you have questions about the pretreatment program, contact 956-983-6510.